Thursday 27 February 2014

This Japanese Woman Took in a Stray Cat, and They Have Been Inseparable Ever Since

This is seriously the most precious, adorable story you will see all day. Misao lives a rural life outside the city in Japan. One day, she found a stray cat, took her in, and named him Fukumaru. They have been inseparable ever since, and the photos are beyond heart-warming.

This is Misao with Fukumaru as a kitten.


Misao rescued Fukumaru as a stray…


… and they’ve been inseparable ever since.

The best part about these pics?Misao’s grand daughter is the photographer. Here’s what she said: “When I see the way my grandmother is living her life, I really feel that she has a kind of strength that my generation simply can’t match. She gets up with the sun, and goes to bed when it sets. She loves her cat and the vegetables in her field like her own children. If her vegetables come out well, she’s happy. She doesn’t have to worry about questions like ’what is the point of my work?’ Her way of life fills me with admiration and a sort of envy.”

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