Thursday, 27 February 2014

Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher Engaged, Reports Suggest


Mila Kunis is wearing what appears to be an engagement ring while shopping at Nordstrom in West Hollywood, Calif., on Thursday. 

Looks like Jackie and Kelso were meant to be.

Former "That '70s Show" costars Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are engaged,E! News reported.

Kunis and former 'That '70s Show' co-star Ashton Kutcher are reportedly engaged.


Kunis and former 'That '70s Show' co-star Ashton Kutcher are reportedly engaged.


A source told the entertainment site that the sitcom actors-turned-movie stars, who have been together for two years, have been getting more and more serious about their romance  and Thursday she was spotted with a diamond ring while shopping.

Kunis and her mother, Elvira Kunis, shop at Nordstrom in West Hollywood, Calif., on Thursday. Mila is wearing what appears to be an engagement ring.


Kunis and her mother, Elvira Kunis, shop at Nordstrom in West Hollywood, Calif., on Thursday. Mila is wearing what appears to be an engagement ring.

Rumors that Kunis, 30, and Kutcher, 36, sparked a romance came in April 2012 but they kept it under wraps early on.


Kunis and Kutcher on the set of 'That '70s Show' as their characters Jackie and Kelso.

Kunis and Kutcher on the set of 'That '70s Show' as their characters Jackie and Kelso.

Kutcher previously had a high-profile marriage with actress Demi Moore, and Kunis previously dated former child star/current indie-rock pizza enthusiast Macaulay Culkin.

Source - dailyNews


KLANG UTARA - "Saya dapat lihat semua kawan terbakar dalam kereta itu, saya cuba selamatkan, tetapi mereka tidak sedarkan diri," kata Chai Chee Seng, 18, salah seorang mangsa yang terselamat dalam kemalangan ngeri melibatkan sebuah kereta Perodua Myvi di Batu 10, Jalan Kapar, kira-kira jam 3.30 pagi semalam.

Mangsa yang maut adalah Ang Chin Foo (pemandu), Lee Boon Huat, Chong Chee Seng dan Chew Yee Ying.

Dia yang ditemui di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah memberitahu, mereka semua termasuk pemandu kepenatan selepas pulang dari menikmati minuman di Bandar Baru Klang.

"Ketika tiba di selekoh itu, kereta yang dipandu Chin Foo hilang kawalan lalu melanggar lampu isyarat dan akhirnya merempuh dinding sebuah kedai pajak gadai. Selepas rempuhan kuat itu, saya merangkak keluar melalui pintu pemandu.

“Saya cuba selamatkan mereka dengan cuba menarik mereka keluar namun gagal kerana masing-masing sudah tidak sedarkan diri, beberapa saat kemudian kereta api mulai marak," katanya yang mengalami cedera di tangan kanan serta melecur di bahagian punggung.

Difahamkan kelima-lima mangsa berkawan rapat sejak dari bangku sekolah rendah.

Sementara itu, Ketua Bahagian Ketenteraman Awam dan Trafik Klang Utara, Asisten Superintendan Zawary Mahadi berkata, sebelum kejadian kira-kira jam 3.30 pagi itu, kesemua mangsa difahamkan dalam perjalanan pulang dari Bandar Baru Klang menghala ke Kapar.

Beliau berkata, bagaimanapun ketika tiba di lokasi kejadian, Chin Foo yang dipercayai memandu laju hilang kawalan, sebelum terbabas melanggar lampu isyarat di tengah jalan.

Beliau berkata, kenderaan itu kemudiannya merempuh tembok kedai pajak gadai, sebelum terbakar.

"Empat daripada mangsa termasuk pemandu gagal menyelamatkan diri dan maut akibat terbakar.

"Mangsa duduk di sebelah pemandu, Chee Seng sempat menyelamatkan diri dengan keluar menerusi pintu pemandu," katanya, semalam.

Menurutnya, mayat keempat-empat mangsa dihantar ke Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang untuk dibedah siasat.

Katanya, kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 41(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 dan sesiapa yang menyaksikan kejadian diminta tampil ke mana-mana balai polis terdekat atau menghubungi pegawai penyiasat, Inspektor Nor Zaharuddin Sanip di talian,0127044642 bagi membantu siasatan. -Sinar


Kuala Lumpur: Akibat cemburu, seorang lelaki bertindak memukul seorang lelaki yang didakwa memandang isterinya dalam kejadian di hadapan sebuah bank di Cheras, di sini, tengah hari semalam.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 1.30 tengah hari itu, mangsa dipercayai sedang menaip SMS kemudian mendongakkan kepalanya ketika lelaki terbabit bersama isteri lalu di hadapannya.

Bagaimanapun, tindakan mangsa itu disalah erti menyebabkan lelaki berusia 27 tahun itu menjadi berang sebelum berhenti lalu mencekik dan memukul mangsa bertubi-tubi di bahagian kepala.

Menurut sumber, dalam insiden itu, lelaki terbabit mengaku dirinya gengster di kawasan berkenaan dan turut mengambil alat pembuka skru tayar di dalam kenderaannya sebagai ugutan untuk memukul mangsa. 

“Orang ramai yang berada di tempat kejadian cuba meleraikan pergaduhan itu, namun lelaki itu terus memukul mangsa selain turut meludah ke arah mangsa sebelum beredar,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Cheras Asisten Komisioner Mohan Singh Tara Singh ketika dihubungi mengesahkan kejadian itu.

“Suspek sudah menyerah diri di Balai Polis Sungai Besi petang tadi (semalam).

“Pihak kami akan menjalankan kawad cam sebelum suspek dituduh di mahkamah. Kes ini disiasat mengikut Seksyen 506 Kanun Keseksaan (KK) kerana ugutan jenayah dan Seksyen 323 KK kerana mencederakan dengan niat, “katanya. - Harian Metro

Borneo ministers must speak up on 10-pt fix

  • Borneo ministers must speak up on 10-pt fix
  • Kota Kinabalu Chinese Pastors Fellowship | 11:32AM Feb 27, 2014
  • We, the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Pastors Fellowship, hereby declare our commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with our anak negeri brothers and sisters in Christ in Sabah and Sarawak as one in the body of Christ in our nation. For better or for worse, we are with you.
    We are proud that you, the Perpaduan Anak Negeri (PAN) Sabah or the Native Solidarity of Sabah, have risen up to the occasion by sounding the Mamangkis clarion call to defend your rights as anak sulung, the first-born of the land.

    We are prepared to mamangkis with you; to go into battle to defend your cultural heritage as anak negeri Christians.

    The Bible reminds us that: “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. (1 Corinthians 12:26).
    Yes, the anak negeri Christians in Sabah have suffered too much and for too long. The time for justice and redemption has come. We are with you today.

    We are particularly alarmed by the relentless efforts from extremist elements in Peninsular Malaysia in subjugating of fundamental right to freedom of religion as well as condoning the continuing dubious conversion of our anak negeri to Islam by deception, intimidation and inducement.

    We are facing the brute force of political Islam. We must resist it at all costs to protect the unity and harmony of our nation.

    Although we use the Chinese Bible where God is addressed as Shang Di, we are equally affected and offended when your birth rights are crippled by the restrictions imposed by Putrajaya on the use of the Alkitab and the prohibition of the use of the word ‘Allah’ to refer to God in Bahasa Malaysia.

    We have been deceived again and again. We have to say enough is enough. The time has come for us to draw the line between good and evil. We are not prepared to be deceived any more.

    The latest deception is that we are promised the so-called 10-point solution to the Alkitab/’Allah’ crisis by Putrajaya. This is a 1Malaysia but 2-Alkitab policy. We reject this one-country-two-systems policy.

    We warn Putrajaya of the dangers resorting to such a divide-and-rule approach. This will only divide our beloved country and destroy our Malaysian dream that was inspired by our founding fathers forming this nation.

    Let us not underestimate the threats facing us. Even the judiciary is lined up against us. Although the High Court in The Herald case in December 2009 upheld the right of freedom of religion as provided for in the federal constitution, the Court of Appeal overturned the decision last year.

    It even was prepared to exceed its jurisdiction prescribed by the federal constitution by ruling that the usage of the word ‘Allah’ is not integral to Christianity. It has no rights to interfere in religion.

    Enter into consent judgment

    We now urge Putrajaya to rectify the mistake by entering into a consent judgment before the Federal Court based on the 20-points assurance given to Sabah and Sarawak in the formation of Malaysia in 1963.

    The Bible reminds us there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Next week, there are three ‘Allah’ cases before the court scheduled for March 4, 5, and 6 - The Herald appeal before the Federal Court, the Jill Ireland and the SIB Sabah cases.

    This is a call to prayer for all parties as well as the judges to act with justice and righteousness. More importantly, they must act with conscience based on the Malaysia Agreement .

    The Bible also reminds us that there is a time to be quiet and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:7). More than one-third of the Cabinet are made up of ministers from Sabah and Sarawak. Except for Minister Idris Jala, the rest of them have been silent as if they are unaware of all this happening.

    We are particularly offended by the antics of Cabinet minister Maximus Ongkili. He has singularly been opposed to the cause of anak negeri Christians and is turning a blind eye to the dubious conversions in his backyard in Pitas.

    The rest of Sabah and Sarawak ministers need to speak up. It does not matter whether they are Muslims or Christians. The crisis facing us is one of freedom of religion enshrined in the federal constitution. They are duty bound to uphold the supremacy of the constitution.

    Today, we are confident there is hope for our nation to redeem our Malaysian Dream, a dream based on freedom of religion, equality among the races, social justice, sharing resources and equitable development in Sabah , Sarawak and Peninsular Malaya , our beloved nation - Malaysia.

    Together we believe, we can move forward for a better tomorrow, building new hopes and leaving a legacy for our next generation to come.

    We mamangkis with you in love, in faith , in hope and in honouring... for you are the anak negeri, the anak sulung of God for this land, the land below the wind - Sabah...
Let’s mamangkis with our beloved anak negeri... Khooohiii!

Source - malaysiaKini

This Japanese Woman Took in a Stray Cat, and They Have Been Inseparable Ever Since

This is seriously the most precious, adorable story you will see all day. Misao lives a rural life outside the city in Japan. One day, she found a stray cat, took her in, and named him Fukumaru. They have been inseparable ever since, and the photos are beyond heart-warming.

This is Misao with Fukumaru as a kitten.


Misao rescued Fukumaru as a stray…


… and they’ve been inseparable ever since.

The best part about these pics?Misao’s grand daughter is the photographer. Here’s what she said: “When I see the way my grandmother is living her life, I really feel that she has a kind of strength that my generation simply can’t match. She gets up with the sun, and goes to bed when it sets. She loves her cat and the vegetables in her field like her own children. If her vegetables come out well, she’s happy. She doesn’t have to worry about questions like ’what is the point of my work?’ Her way of life fills me with admiration and a sort of envy.”


What happen when you combine a dog and a chainsaw

Trust us its Fun.

10 Things You Didn't Know About 'Legally Blonde'

Get out your pink feather pens and heart-shaped notebooks, people! It's time for some mind-boggling, little-known facts about everyone's secret favorite movie, "Legally Blonde."
1. As stated in her contract, Witherspoon got to keep all of the outfits she wore in the film. Can you say best deal ever? We'll take those "last season Prada shoes," if you don't want them, Reese.
2. You know those opening credits where Elle is brushing her amazingly perfect hair? Welp, that's not Witherspoon. She was in England wrapping up filming "The Importance of Being Earnest." Kind of disappointed.
3. In Amanda Brown's "Legally Blonde" novel, on which the film is based, Elle Woods attends Stanford University. Stanford, however, didn't approve of the script. The producers' second choice, University of Chicago, also refused because of the scene where Elle's professor makes sexual advances toward her. Finally, Elle was accepted at Harvard. Not bad.
4. Reese Witherspoon prepped for her role by kicking it with real sorority girls at USC.
5. Elle's LSAT score of 179 puts her in the top 0.1 percent.
6. Tori Spelling was considered for the role of Elle Woods, but we all know who it went to.
7. Chloe Sevigny turned down the role of Vivian, which went to Selma Blair. Sevigny later said in an interview that she "didn't realize the film's potential at the time."
8. Test audiences really wanted to know what happened to Elle after her successful court case. This meant that Witherspoon and Luke Wilson had to sport wigs for the added graduation scene, as Witherspoon had cut her locks short for "The Importance of Being Earnest" and Wilson had shaved his head for "The Royal Tenenbaums."
9. Test audiences also wanted to see Elle get revenge on Warner, so theyadded the scene in which Elle confronts Warner after her court case. The scene was shot in London, as Witherspoon and Matthew Davis were both working on films there at the time.
10. Over a year after "Legally Blonde" hit theaters, Reese Witherspoon told she still had "never seen it, actually." We know you're a busy woman, Reese, but um ...
Bonus fact: The bend and snap has a 98 percent success rate in getting a man's attention and an 83 percent rate of return on a dinner invitation.

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